Thursday, September 2, 2010

Summer Recap

These were a few of my favorite things...

The Little Prince, by Antoine Saint Exupery
I can't believe that I had never read this little treasure before! There are so many lines that contain so much truth. On top of it all, it's written so simply that some refer to it as a children's book. Favorite parts include the bit about how his rose is special, and just about everything to do with the fox.

"One only understands what ones tames."

His Dark Materials, by Phillip Pullman
A re-reading, for sure. I first read this trilogy in the ninth grade and found it to be pretty good. But sometimes you're just in a certain point in your life where a book or a song or a movie resonates with you more strongly than at a another point in time. This summer was one of those times, much like Vicky Christina Barcelona struck me so strongly last last winter because of certain events in my life. These books have this darker brooding quality about them that's just enchanting to me. I may do this book for Book in the winter.

An Education
When I first watched this movie I was impressed by how well-made it was, and nothing more. However unlike  most movies that are simply well-made and enjoyable, this one stays with me over time. Carey Mulligan is so expressive and convincing in it, like a young Audrey Hepburn almost. (I think this was a concious choice the filmakers made too, what with the clothes and the updo and style of makeup) It's simply an elegant coming-of-age movie about a high school girl learning about the world.

I got to try a bunch of different wines this summer, as well as a couple beers. I was drinking the best wine for the cheapest I could get it, so lots of $10-$12 wines, but still lots of fun! My favorite discovery is BT, which right now is going cheap at $10.99, but a co-worker predicts that it will be much more in a year's time since the same thing has happened to other new good, cheap wines.

Satellite Mind by Metric is my song of the moment. Just discovered it, in fact from Josh and Aaron. Good taste, guys! The rest of the album is just okay, except for Gimme Sympathy.
She said She Said and Think For Yourself by The Beatles as well. 

I'm debating what book I should choose for book. The list of contenders are:
-House on Mango Street
-The Westing Game
-View from Saturday
-Bridge to Terebithia
-The Horse and His Boy
-the Dawn Treader

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

New Blog, New 'Tude

So I decided to hop on the trend and get a blog to keep up with all of ya'lls! Also I wanted to just go out there and be more aware of what's going on artistically and just LOOK. There's too much out there for me to forget so I might as well have a page where I post randomies and gigglers!

Here's one to start! A cat riding a turtle! It cracks me up because our Kitten tries to sit on the rabbit's head all the time. I think T-Rex wants to play with the rabbit like he would a cat, but the rabbit is so terrified he runs away. I don't think T-Rex wants to eat him, he just chases him around, tries to sit where the rabbit sits, and tries to live in the rabbit's cage and drink the rabbit's water!

Another cat-related post, reposted from Robin: Cute boys and cats! Also from Robin, Sleep Talkin' Man!

In art news, here's a mockup of a jeux jar that I'm making as a friend's birthday present. I've burnt down a Yankee candle and peeled off the original wrapping, so now you have an air-tight jar. Not sure if I like the bottom wrap-around because there's not that much contrast in value between the orange and the blue and yellow, but I'll figure it out. May it keep her treasures safe! The design is entirely made up of words from song lyrics by the Beatles and MGMT.

"It's getting hard to be someone, But it all works out"

Oops forgot this post from Byron about books that involve time travel! Can't wait to check them all out and read them! Also from Byron: endless amusement and stupidity.